This author Christensen argues that children shows and cartoons are giving kids "a secret education". shes talks about how bad that this things are for kids now a days. how these kind of things show them how to act, and what to do, and teach them about racism, and violence.
She is right about how some cartoons and shows may have a second meaning and or an underlining message, but I will argue the face that because of what I do now and how I act is all because of the shows that I watched as a kid. I'm not racist, or discrimination towards women or anybody for that matter like in what Christensen says that Popeye does with women.
These are just shows to entertain children. If these kids are really influenced by these shows then why do parents let them watch them? If they are really getting a secret education why aren't these kids acting like the shows. Kids today are not racist, or really violent for that matter.
The argument that she is making that these television shows and underlining have a tremendous impact on children. I feel that there are meanings in these shows that can be taken as bad, or sexist, and or racist and violent but I don't believe that it is to the extent that Christensen says. Kids are too young to realize those messages that's why I believe that these shows don't have a huge effect on kids, if they did parents would not let their kids watch them.